BSU Volunteers


"BSU Volunteers" organization has been operating since 2019. Currently, the organization unites about 1000 student volunteers. Since 2020, the organization has implemented a number of successful projects, expanded the volunteering movement at BSU, actively participated in the organization of social projects and cultural-mass events together with student organizations. Currently, volunteer students are working as volunteers in various structural divisions of BSU. They actively participate in the social life of the university and gain experience related to their future careers. To date, more than 250 events of various types have been held at the initiative of "BSU Volunteers" organization. Currently, 60 volunteers of the "BSU Volunteers" organization are actively working in various departments of the University for at least 3 months. Volunteers of the university also contribute to the youth policy and voluntary movement successfully implemented in our country by actively participating in large-scale international and republican events, social projects and humanitarian actions implemented in our country. As a clear example of this, more than 450 BSU volunteers participated in the environmental action organized on the Lachin-Khankendi road. "BSU Volunteers" organization pays special attention to strengthening cooperation in the field of volunteering and establishing relations with other volunteer organizations operating in our country. At the same time, it strives to study the current international experience in promoting and promoting volunteering among young people, establishing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of volunteering. In order to further expand the volunteer movement at BSU and improve the organization's activities, at the meeting of the Scientific Council of Baku State University on October 27, 2023, the volunteer program and the rules of volunteering at BSU were approved and the "BSU volunteers" organization was given official status.

The main mission of the "BSU Volunteers" organization is to ensure the networking of University students, to raise the spirit of statehood and patriotism, and to include every student-young person. The volunteer policy of Baku State University is aimed at ensuring the future development of students and making the University one of the leading institutions among higher education institutions in the field of effective organization of this activity. The main missions of the volunteering program of the "BSU Volunteers" organization created by Baku State University are as follows:

  • Supporting the youth policy and voluntary movement in Azerbaijan;
  • Organizing public participation and increasing the sense of social responsibility;
  • Preparing students for the labor market by increasing their practical knowledge and skills;
  • Providing an effective approach and contribution to training, teaching and social activities at BSU;
  • Helping students-young people to expand their opportunities to use modern technologies;
  • To assist in the organization of educational work among students-young people regarding the increase of social responsibility, protection of national and moral values, healthy lifestyle;
  • To organize the work of students-young people according to the direction of activity of the University in the social field.


Narmin Heydarova

Nigar Aliyeva

Zohrab Javadzadeh

Asif Aliyev

Ismail Zeynalov