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Student Unions and Clubs

Baku State University focuses on student-centered approach and student-led society on each direction through involving students to the management, teaching and innovation process with the help of various means. Additionally, BSU endeavors to develop and establish motivational, creative, up-to-date teaching and innovation ecosystem to equip students with the 21st century skills, and help them to be competitive in the local and international labor market. For fostering student-centered education within the university, below noted activities are taken by the respective structures:

  1. Each student has a right to establish unions or clubs on different directions regarding their beliefs, values and interest (without violation legislative provisions), and without any restriction, they have a right to promote their unions or clubs, and invite other students to join. Student Youth Organization’s and Student Trade Union’s chairpersons are elected through election process among students of bachelor, master and doctorate, and elected chairperson represents respective Union in the Scientific Council of BSU (according to the respective legislation and BSU’s Statute the Scientific Council is a governing body) to ensure all students’ unions’ opinions are heard.
  2. Students are appointed as members of the Scientific Council of the University, including Faculty Scientific Councils, which is recognised as a governing body of the respective Faculties to ensure that their voices are heard at the governing body on the University and faculty level.
  3. Student Youth Organization, Student Trade Union Committee are affiliated to wider national student union bodies.
  4. Frequently, students’ and alumni feedbacks are collected through various anonymous surveys, and analysed by the respective unit to prepare need analysis report and suggestions for improvement.
  5. Throughout the exam session, BSU establishes an examination oversight body composed of students. Students can reach out to this oversight body in case of exam-related complaints, and it also serves as the monitory authority for the examinations.
  6. BSU’s have a student SDGclub, which is typically revolves around promoting awareness, engagement, and action related to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
  7. For more details, please visit below provided Students’ Unions and Clubs.