The Student Trade Union Committee


The Student Trade Union Committee of Baku State University (BSU THİK) has been operating since 1974. The Committee is a student organization that reveals the potential of young students, improves the educational conditions of students, provides financial support to students who belong to the socially vulnerable group, and helps to solve their social problems. It unites students, masters and doctoral students of BSU. BSU THIK conducts systematic work with students, studies and promotes the legacy of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and the idea of Azerbaijaniness, carries out measures to promote traditions of statehood, national and moral values, helps them to actively participate in the public life of the country and BSU. The organization mainly protects the rights of students, ensures their active participation in the public life of the University, in cultural and mass events, solves the social problems of students, improves their educational conditions, conducts educational work among students, promotes talented and creative students in republican and international competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions, festivals. ensuring their participation, implementing preventive measures against harmful habits among students, holding cultural-mass events with the participation of students, etc.  THIK aims to increase students' interest in science and knowledge, to form healthy young people, to promote patriotism, national-spiritual values among students, to promote the ideas of statehood and Azerbaijaniism, friendship, collectivism relations, to protect health and safety, to effectively organize free time and rest, etc. implements projects in the direction of, round tables, conferences, competitions, exhibitions, etc. contane. Currently, BSU THİK is the largest and most active student trade union among Azerbaijan's higher education institutions. The organization includes: Cinema club; Chess club; Drawing club; Sports club; Writers club; Technoclub; Public speaking club; Debate club; Foreign languages club; Symbology Club; Association of young artists; Readers' association is active.


Hajibaba Mustafayev (student, member of the Scientific Council of BSU)


Ulkar Aliyeva

Khayala Sadiqzadeh