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/uploads/files/Climate%20action%20policy.pdfCLIMATE ACTION POLICY 


The Climate Action Policy of BSU is founded on a profound dedication to promoting a sustainable future, which entails the integration of rigorous scholarly research and active engagement with the community. Recognizing its position as the foremost educational establishment in Azerbaijan, BSU understands the profound impact of academics in fostering resilience, fostering creativity, and cultivating a clear comprehension of global environmental concerns. Our primary objective is to lead in academic-based sustainability projects, employing knowledge to generate practical solutions that surpass geographical limitations and contribute to worldwide environmental sustainability. BSU demonstrates a steadfast dedication to establishing ambitious and quantifiable objectives for the reduction of greenhouse gas (including carbon) emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and committed to reaching net-zero by 2030, thereby aligning our endeavors with global climate objectives.

For more details please see Climate Action Policy


Policy Feedback

We value your insights and feedback on our policies. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send us an email at We look forward to hearing from you!