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A memorandum of understanding was signed with the Social Services Agency


Baku State University (BSU) actively provides expert advice to local, regional, and national government bodies. This engagement occurs through several avenues. One of this kind of memorandum of cooperation was signed between Baku State University (BSU) and the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.
BSU's rector Elchin Babayev said that in recent years, there has been close cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences and its subordinate institutions. The rector noted that the Psychological Service Sector was established several years ago and is successfully operating and our university conducts policy-focused research in collaboration with government agencies or institutions. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology of BSU is one of the oldest faculties of the University. Elchin Babayev emphasized that it is necessary to consolidate the knowledge given in practice and it will benefit both institutions. 
Chairman of the Social Services Agency Vugar Behbudov gave detailed information about social services provided to vulnerable population groups. He noted that the Agency is constantly working to organize these services efficiently and effectively, and to increase accessibility to social services. In this regard, it is necessary to cooperate with higher education institutions that provide specialist training for social services. Also, special importance is given to the recruitment of young personnel specialized in this field. At present, 100 graduates of BSU and 24 graduates of master's level work in the Agency.
According to the memorandum, within the next 3 years, production and scientific-research experience programs will be organized in the Agency for undergraduate and graduate students of the higher education level in the relevant field of specialization. Also, specialists from both sides will participate in the preparation and implementation of joint social projects.