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A new opportunity for students engaged in startup activities

The 3rd part of the "Viveka Company Creation Program" project is launched only for Baku State University within the framework of the "Viveka" project of Turkey's leading strategy innovation consulting firm "Viveka" with the initiative of the Innovations and Digital Development Agency and the sponsorship of "PASHA Holding". This program provides a unique opportunity for those who are ready to turn their entrepreneurial dream into reality but don't know where to start. The Viveka Company Creation Program provides the knowledge, resources and support needed to take startups to new heights. Those who will join the program will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of technological solutions, legal, financial, market and other aspects of startup construction based on the model proposed by "Viveka". The Viveka Company Creation Program will help you achieve No-Code MVP speed, which allows you to develop and fill a Minimum Viable Product without the need for sophisticated skills.