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A scientific session dedicated to "Science Day" in the Republic of Azerbaijan, organized by the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics at Baku State University (BSU), was held on March 27.
The scientific session was conducted by Professor Ramin Rzayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Director of the Decision Support Information Systems Laboratory at the Institute of Management Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education. The session focused on the topic "Artificial Intelligence: Current State and Synergistic Effect of Its Future Use."
In his presentation, Ramin Rzayev discussed the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the global economy and its vast potential. He noted that when combined with key technologies such as the "Internet of Things," "Big Data Analytics," and "Blockchain," AI could become the foundation of economic development, enhancing competitiveness and creating high-tech jobs. The speaker emphasized the importance and relevance of studying the prospective impact of AI technologies on the digital economy. He pointed out that while AI cannot fully replace humans, it adopts many of their functions, improves the efficiency of energy resource utilization, and saves budgetary funds.
The professor stressed the necessity of conducting fundamental applied research in the field of AI, training highly qualified scientific personnel and specialists, creating new educational programs, and developing and implementing laws, standards, and ethical guidelines to support the development of AI technologies.
The session continued with discussions on the topic.
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