News and Events
"Green Chemistry" event dedicated to the "Year of Solidarity for a Green World" was held at the Faculty of Chemistry of Baku State University (BSU) with the joint organization of "Molecular Minds" of "BSU Volunteers" organization and "Environmental Care" club of Baku Higher Oil School (HOS). .
Taleh Gahramanov, deputy dean of the faculty of chemistry for social issues and work with students, said that 2024 was declared "the year of solidarity for the sake of a green world" by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. One of the five national priorities for socio-economic development of Azerbaijan until 2030 is defined as "Country of clean environment and green growth". In accordance with that priority, work is being done to improve the environment, restore and increase greenery, and ensure efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy sources. The close participation of young people in the projects implemented in connection with the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" is commendable.
Then, the heads of the "Molecular Minds" and "Environmental Care" clubs, Deniz Seydaliyeva and Karam Mammadzade, explained the origin of the term "Green chemistry", its main principles, its similarities and differences with environmental chemistry, chemical processes occurring in the environment, anthropogenic effects, environmental problems. provided information on solutions and chemical control methods. At the event, discussions were held regarding the declaration of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, as well as the "green energy zone" of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the protection of the environment in the large-scale restoration and reconstruction process in the liberated areas, and the restoration of the rich forests that were subjected to the vandalism and barbarism of the enemy.