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Republican scientific conference on "Actual problems of biology in the context of sustainable development" at BSU

The Faculty of Biology at Baku State University (BSU) organized a Republican scientific conference centered around the theme "Current Issues in Biology within the Framework of Sustainable Development," commemorating the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Afat Mammadova, the dean of the Faculty of Biology, expressed that the conference aims to assess the efficiency of implementing contemporary innovative technologies in crucial scientific research areas to support the nation's sustainable development. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance the significance of intellectual capital in the advancement of biology. The conference's objective is to engage diverse specialists and scientists in addressing current challenges in biology during the present stage of scientific and technological progress. It also aims to compile and distribute the scientific and practical results of research in this field to achieve wider acknowledgment.

Professor Mais Suleymanov, Director of the Center for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovations of BSU, Head of the Bioinformatics Laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Ilham Shahmuradov, Director of the Institute of Zoology, Associate Professor Aladdin Eyvazov, Executive Director of the Institute of Botany, Professor Shakir Gasimov, head of the Department of Biochemistry of Azerbaijan Medical University, professor Gulnara Azizova, head of the Department of Pharmacology of AMU Mahbuba Valiyeva, head of the Department of Biology and its Teaching of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, associate professor Anakhanim Yusifova spoke about the priority directions and current problems of biological science, knowledge in this field and optimization of skills, as well as the need to expand scientific relations.

Subsequently, a video highlighting the life and diverse undertakings of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was presented.

Head of the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Professor Rovshan Khalilov and Professor Saib Gulahmadov of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies gave speeches in the plenary session.

The conference received 185 submissions from different universities and research institutes. At the closing ceremony, BSU rector's adviser on science and education, professor Aydın Kazimzadeh, vice-rector for international relations, associate professor Sahin Panahov and director of the Center for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovations, professor Mais Süleymanov satisfactorily evaluated the work of the conference and presented certificates to the participants.