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To commemorate World Migratory Bird Day, students from the Ecology and Soil Science Faculty at Baku State University (BSU) conducted a monitoring initiative at the Beshbarmag strait as part of their ecology studies. During the monitoring process, they observed 24 bird species, four listed in Azerbaijan's "Red Book."
Since 2006, World Migratory Bird Day has served as a global awareness campaign and environmental celebration, occurring twice a year on the second Saturday of May and October. Thanks to the collaboration between "Birding Azerbaijan" and "Birdwatching Azerbaijan," along with financial support from the "Ornithological Society of the Middle East," autumn monitoring and counting of migratory birds have been conducted at the Beshbarmag strait. Local and international experts and birdwatchers actively participate in this annual initiative.
The Beshbarmag Strait is of notable significance as a migratory pathway for birds, serving as one of the vital migration corridors in Europe. Birds are tallied daily for a span of three months, starting from early September to early December, and the compiled information is submitted to, a global database for migratory birds. This corridor witnesses the migration of over 2 million birds belonging to more than 300 species each year, traveling north for nesting and south for winter.
It's noteworthy that Azerbaijan boasts a diverse bird fauna, with one of the largest migration routes in Eurasia passing through the country.