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Charter of the scientific council of BSU

Adopted by the decision of the Scientific Council of Baku State University on October 24, 2013, at meeting number 07 and approved by the Rector's order R-119 dated November 8, 2013.

  1. The Charter of the Scientific Council of Baku State University (hereinafter referred to as BDU) is prepared in accordance with the Decree No. 349 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 13, 2000, "On the Improvement of the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan," the Regulation on State Higher Education Institutions Functioning on the Principle of Self-Governance, approved by the Decision No. 191 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 4, 2001, and the "Charter on the Scientific Council of Higher Education Institutions" approved by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 10, 1997, No. 792. This Charter defines the main directions of the establishment and activities of the Scientific Council of BDU (hereinafter referred to as the Scientific Council).

  2. The Scientific Council is the collegial governing body of BDU, and overall management of BDU is carried out by this Council. The Rector of BDU heads the Scientific Council.

  3. The term of office of the Scientific Council is 5 years. The premature re-establishment of the Scientific Council can be implemented at the request of at least 2/3 of its members.

  4. The procedures for election to the Scientific Council, its rights, and responsibilities are determined as follows, provided that they do not contradict the "Charter on the Scientific Council of Higher Education Institutions," approved by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 10, 1997, No. 792:

    4.1. By virtue of their positions, the members of the Scientific Council include the Rector of BDU (Chair), the Vice-Rector for Organization of Teaching and Learning Technologies (Deputy Chair), Vice-Rectors, Scientific Secretary, Deans, heads of research institutes, branches, and other structural divisions within BDU, representatives of faculty and student trade union committees, the student youth organization, the Student Scientific Society, the veterans' council, and the chairs of the teaching-methodological council. Other members of the Scientific Council may comprise 3-10% of the total number of professors, teaching staff, and scientific employees of BDU. This percentage is determined by the Rector, based on the number of professors, teaching staff, and scientific employees. Additionally, up to 10% of the members of the Scientific Council may be appointed by the Rector in addition to the total number (within BDU).

    4.2. Candidates for the Scientific Council are elected by secret ballot at the general meeting of professors, teaching staff, and scientific employees of each faculty, branch, or relevant structural division (including among students). The meeting is considered competent if 2/3 of the total number of professors, teaching staff, and scientific employees of the faculty or relevant structural division are present. Those who receive more than 50% of the votes from participants are considered elected members of the Scientific Council for the allocated places for the faculty.

    4.3. Representation from faculties, branches, or relevant structural divisions for membership in the Scientific Council of BDU is determined as follows:

    • If the number of scientific-pedagogical employees is up to 50, 1 representative;

    • If the number is 51 to 100, 2 representatives;

    • If the number is 101 to 150, 3 representatives;

    • If the number exceeds 151, 4 representatives.

    In the event that any member leaves the council, the vacant position can be filled by conducting an early election in accordance with existing procedures by a representative of the respective faculty (division).

  5. The Scientific Council of BDU:

    • Adopts the Charter of BDU and makes proposals for and implements additions and amendments to the Charter and the Charter Fund;

    • Approves the Development Program of BDU and resolves the most important issues of BDU's development, teaching, scientific activities, and international relations;

    • Determines and approves the authorities of the Rector of BDU, and resolves the issue of granting additional authorities to the Rector if necessary;

    • Approves the internal regulations of the BDU collective (students, teachers, staff, doctoral candidates, and listeners);

    • Approves charters, instructions, and other normative documents;

    • Determines the structure of BDU and makes changes and additions to it;

    • Determines the student admission plan for BDU;

    • Determines the annual budget of BDU and listens to reports on the financial activities of the university;

    • Approves the uniform rules for holding competitions for positions in faculties (research institutes and branches, departments), and for contracts and agreements;

    • Considers personnel issues, holds competitions for candidates for the positions of professor and chief scientific officer upon the recommendation of the scientific councils of BDU's structural divisions (faculty, research institute, branch, etc.), and considers issues related to their early dismissal from their positions. Selects heads of laboratories subordinate to departments, faculties, and institutes;

    • Annually listens to the Rector's report on the activities of BDU;

    • Considers issues related to the training and additional education of specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel, and resolves all issues related to educational, training, and scientific-research work;

    • Elects the secretary of the Council from among the members of the Scientific Council, establishes commissions for education and science, socio-economic and economic activities, listens to their reports, and makes appropriate decisions;

    • Elects the Scientific Secretary from among the Council members to organize the work of the Council, prepare meetings, and monitor the implementation of decisions;

    • Resolves issues regarding the creation, dissolution, and reorganization of faculties, departments, and other structural divisions of BDU;

    • Periodically listens to reports on the educational, scientific-research, and training activities of faculties;

    • Raises petitions for the conferment of academic titles such as "Professor," "Associate Professor," and "Chief Scientific Officer" to BDU employees;

    • Nominates BDU employees for honorary titles, awards, orders, and medals of the Republic;

    • Confers the titles of "Honorary Doctor of BDU" or "Honorary Professor of BDU" to distinguished scholars, statesmen, public and political figures known nationally and internationally;

    • Confers the titles of "Honorary Professor of BDU," "Honorary Scientific Worker of BDU," and "Honorary Worker of BDU";

    • Awards BDU's prizes for scientific work and pedagogical activities;

    • Allocates the position of consultant professor;

    • Approves curricula;

    • Decides on the publication of textbooks, teaching-methodological materials, monographs, and teaching programs;

    • Determines the procedures for conducting examinations and establishes evaluation criteria;

    • Determines the rules for awarding scholarships in accordance with current norms;

    • Approves the composition of the teaching-methodological, editorial-publishing, and library councils of BDU;

    • Nominates candidates for full and corresponding membership in the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (AMEA);

    • Establishes a commission to conduct competitions for the positions of department head and dean, and approves its composition;

    • In exceptional cases—when there are no faculty Scientific Councils and in case of conflicts—the Rector appoints and considers issues related to the early dismissal of associate professors, senior lecturers, and assistants, as well as scientific workers.

  6. The Scientific Council works according to the work plan intended for the academic year and each semester. The work plan of the Scientific Council is discussed and adopted at a meeting and approved by the Rector.

  7. Decisions of the Scientific Council on all matters of educational, scientific, and training activities are adopted by open voting with a simple majority, while the selection and recall of the teaching staff, and the presentation of honorary titles of professor, associate professor, and honorary titles are adopted by secret voting as per established procedures.

  8. Meetings of the Scientific Council are held at least once every two months.

  9. To adopt a decision, at least 2/3 of the members of the Scientific Council must be present at the meeting. A decision is considered adopted if more than 50% of the total number of participants present vote in favor of the issue being discussed.

  10. Decisions of the Scientific Council come into effect only after being approved by the Rector of BDU.

  11. The meetings of the Scientific Council are documented in protocols, signed by the Chair and the Secretary of the Scientific Council, and kept with the Scientific Secretary.

  12. The Chair of the Scientific Council organizes regular checks on the implementation of the Council's decisions and informs the members of the Council about the execution of adopted decisions.

  13. If there are valid reasons—if it is determined that a decision adopted by the Scientific Council is not objective or contradicts the legislation—the decision of the BDU Scientific Council may be annulled by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

For information about Scientific Council Members please see: Scientific Council Members