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Educational event on "Youth against drug addiction" at BSU

An educational event on "Youth against drug addiction" was held under the organization of Student Youth Organizations (STU) of Baku State University (BSU) Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. Ali Gadirli, chairman of the Faculty of Chemistry of TGT, noted that drug addiction has become a great scourge against humanity in modern times, and emphasized the importance of public control and the fight against "white death" among teenagers and young people.

Fatima Atakishiyeva, Chairwoman of the Faculty of Biology, TGT, in her speech, gave detailed information to the event participants about the addiction problems that arise during the abuse of psychoactive substances among young people, the causes of addiction, the chemical composition of drugs, their consequences, and the prevention of related legal violations.

At the event, it was pointed out that drug addiction leads to crime and violence, and that it has become a serious global problem, and that people who use these drugs deprive themselves of a successful future.

At the end of the event, a video on the topic was watched.