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Event on "COP29 and global climate change" at BSU

An event titled “COP29 and Global Climate Change” has been held at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology of Baku State University (BSU).

The Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Rovshan Javadov, spoke about the international significance of President Ilham Aliyev's decree declaring 2024 as the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World” and the hosting of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Azerbaijan. He noted that hosting such an important event demonstrates Azerbaijan's leading role in the international ecological policy and in the fight against global climate change.

The Deputy Dean for Social Affairs, Nazaket Karimova, and the Head of the Department of Social Work, Uzeir Shafiyev, discussed the global environmental issues that concern the modern world, the causes of climate change, and the efforts being made in our country to minimize these issues. They pointed out that nearly 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory has been subjected to ecocide due to Armenia's occupation. Currently, significant projects are being implemented, and investments are being made to restore the ecological balance in the liberated territories, develop a green economy, and transition to green energy.

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