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Master class on the Topic "Combating Human Trafficking" at BSU

Elnara Aliyeva, a psychologist from the Human Trafficking Victims Assistance Center of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, conducted a master class on the topic of “Combating Human Trafficking” for students of the Social Work program at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology at Baku State University (BSU). The class was organized within the framework of the memorandum signed between the Social Services Agency and BSU.

During the session, the psychologist provided students with information about the concept of human trafficking victims, as well as the measures taken to combat human trafficking both in Azerbaijan and globally. She explained the organization of social work with human trafficking victims, the nature and mechanism of psychological intervention programs.

Several practical examples were presented during the class, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach in combating human trafficking. It was noted that legal, psychological, and social aspects are involved in this field. Information was provided on shelters available in Azerbaijan for human trafficking victims, rehabilitation and habilitation programs conducted there, as well as the work done and success stories.

At the end of the session, students' questions were answered.