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A brochure titled "Methodology for Calculating Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential in Azerbaijan's Forests" has been published with the co-authorship of Yusif Abiyev, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Biology at Baku State University (BSU), and Cuma Uyk, the forestry expert of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Regional Office for Turkey, Asia, and the Caucasus.
The brochure was prepared within the framework of the project "Evaluation of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tugay Forests, Restoration of Forest Ecosystems," part of the "COP29 International Initiatives" grant competition, organized by the Regional Development Public Union and supported by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations.
Active participation in the research and preparation of the brochure was provided by members of the BSU Faculty of Biology's Student Scientific Society, including Nəzira Abbasova, Fariz Həsənalıyev, and Aydan Vəliyeva.
The brochure highlights the importance of Tugay forests in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem services, offering a systematic methodology for evaluating their carbon storage potential. The brochure also explains international-standard approaches for calculating forest biomass and carbon reserves, including assessments of above-ground and below-ground biomass, deadwood, and soil organic carbon, as well as the methodology for creating allometric equations. The brochure is intended for environmental, forestry, and biology professionals, as well as graduate and doctoral students engaged in research.
As part of the project, Tugay forests, particularly those along the Kura River, and the carbon sequestration potential of the Qarayazı State Nature Reserve have been studied and reflected in the brochure. A specific allometric equation that allows the analysis of "Azərkosmos" satellite images to assess the carbon sequestration potential of plain forests has been proposed based on the carbon stock evaluations conducted in the forests of Samur-Yalama National Park.
It should be noted that special training sessions on the methodology were held in November last year at BSU for experts, teachers, and students from relevant organizations.