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Parliament Model Simulation on the Topic of Sustainable Development Goals at BSU

The "BDU Volunteers" organization at Baku State University held a Parliament Model Simulation on the topic of "Sustainable Development Goals."

During the simulation, students engaged in discussions on various political issues, analyzing pathways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and identifying which of these goals are most pertinent. Additionally, suggestions were made regarding new realities emerging in our country within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals and methods for eliminating the threat of landmines through collective efforts. As a result, a legislative proposal encompassing the Sustainable Development Goals was adopted by the parliament.

The event concluded with a performance by the "Lin-orph" music club.

It is important to note that the Parliament Model Simulation serves as a non-formal educational tool designed to enhance students' understanding of the functioning mechanisms and philosophy of parliament, while also developing their analytical thinking and debating skills.

BDU-da “Dayanıqlı İnkişaf Məqsədləri” mövzusunda Parlament Modeli Simulyasiyası BDU-da “Dayanıqlı İnkişaf Məqsədləri” mövzusunda Parlament Modeli Simulyasiyası BDU-da “Dayanıqlı İnkişaf Məqsədləri” mövzusunda Parlament Modeli Simulyasiyası