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A seminar on "Prospects of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Azerbaijan" was held at the Faculty of Biology of Baku State University (BSU). Sevinj Khumbatova, associate professor of the Department of Zoology and Physiology, informed about the causes of climate changes and said that environmental problems such as carbon emissions, environmental pollution, and warming have threatened the health of the world's population in recent years. He noted that the transition to a green economy, supporting initiatives related to renewable energy, and educating local communities are important factors in fighting these problems. The speaker emphasized the importance of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in solving climate problems. He said that Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in November this year, and 2024 has been declared the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in the country. Due to geographical and climatic conditions, Azerbaijan is a country with high green energy potential. The COP29 event will play an important role in shaping the opinion of the international community about the policy of Azerbaijan, an oil and gas country, in the direction of the green economy, and in attracting capital to the country. Then, discussions were held with the participants about the new opportunities that COP29 will create for Azerbaijan, solving environmental problems, and the participation of faculty members in the implementation of research and programs related to the green economy.