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Scientific seminar on the practical application of green hydrogen

A scientific seminar on "Green hydrogen and porous silicon" was held at the Scientific Research Institute of Baku State University. Farhad Rustamov, Head of the Department of Condensed State Physics, doctor of sciences in physics, gave a report on the topic. The report analyzed methods of obtaining hydrogen gas such as methane or natural gas steam conversion, coal gasification, water electrolysis, pyrolysis, partial oxidation and biotechnology. Its fields of application in chemical, oil refining, food industries, metallurgy, energy and transport have been investigated. It was emphasized that the terms green hydrogen, blue hydrogen, gray hydrogen and black hydrogen depend on the way hydrogen gas is obtained and to what extent it pollutes the atmosphere during this process. In the seminar, the method of obtaining hydrogen gas from the mixture of porous silica with water was analyzed, and the scientific research conducted in this field and the prospects of practical application were discussed. Then the speaker answered to the questions.