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Seminar on "Biological rhythms in humans" at BSU

A seminar on "Biological rhythms in humans" was held by the "Sustainable Harmony of Nature" club operating under the Faculty of Biology of Baku State University (BSU).

Associate professor Abulfaz Taghiyev, head of the "Sustainable Harmony of Nature" club, said that daily biological rhythms (biorhythms) exist in all living things, even in small bacteria that can be seen through a microscope. He noted that this biological process, which lasts approximately 24 hours, generally determines our life rhythm.

Later, the speakers gave information on the topic. They emphasized that biological rhythms are formed as a result of changes in illumination and temperature depending on the Earth's rotation around its axis, these factors change periodically during the day and year, and therefore daily, seasonal, and annual rhythms occur in living organisms.

At the end, interactive biorhythm and chronotype determination tests were conducted among the participants, and students' questions on the topic were answered.