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Training at Baku State University Scientific Library: "Scientific Research: From Topic Formation to Publication"

A training titled "Scientific Research: From Topic Formation to Publication" was held at the Scientific Library of Baku State University (BSU). The training was organized within the framework of the "Development of Research Potential through the Network of Institutional Repositories in Azerbaijan" (DIRNA) project, coordinated by Khazar University and funded by the European Commission. More than 20 employees participated in the training.

The Director of the BSU Scientific Library, Nigar Ismailova, delivered a presentation on "Planning Scientific Research and Information Provision." The presentation covered topics such as selecting a research topic, criteria for assessing its relevance, applying appropriate research methods in line with the research objectives, analyzing existing information resources related to the topic, and searching and selecting relevant literature. The trainer emphasized the role of libraries in providing scientific information to researchers and shared updates on innovations in library services through print and electronic information resources.

The Head of the Methodological Work and Cooperation Department of the Scientific Library, as well as the national coordinator for in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Jamila Yusifova, gave a presentation on "Search in International Scientific Platforms and Journal Selection in Publications." In her presentation, the trainer highlighted topics such as "Ensuring that researchers have access to copyrighted resources relevant to their research topic," "Supporting researchers in publishing articles in open-access journals," "Submitting high-quality scientific research articles published in indexed journals to open-access repositories through database searches," and "The importance of Open Access and Open Science in expanding international partnerships and collaborations in scientific research," stressing their significance for researchers.

At the end of the training, participants were informed about the new user interface of the "EBSCOhost" platform and how to use electronic resources from the international publisher "Taylor & Francis," and questions were answered.